Be Wise. Get Your Wisdom Teeth Removed!
Wisdom teeth removal can solve a variety of tooth and jaw issues for teens and adults.
Between the ages of 16-25, we will talk to you about your wisdom teeth!
Wisdom teeth are a third set of molars that will appear in the very back of each area of your mouth: Upper left, lower left, upper right, and lower right. In a few patients, enough space exists for these molars to move into place. However it is most common that there will not be room for them or they will not grow in correctly. Wisdom teeth can lay entirely on their sides or lean at various angles into the neighboring teeth.
Another issue that can arise is that the teeth have emerged from the gums, but they are difficult to reach with a tooth brush. This increases risk of cavities and gum disease.
Wisdom teeth causing pain or infection gives a clear warning sign that treatment needs consideration. Although, some problems can also slowly develop without your awareness. If you’re an adult with wisdom teeth, be sure they’re evaluated periodically for changes using a panoramic x-ray.
If wisdom teeth removal is advised, we can discuss options with you. Various forms of sedation offer anxiety-reduction that puts this minor surgical procedure within reach of every patient that needs it.
When evaluating wisdom teeth, the dentist considers four general classifications. A panoramic x-ray is a vital tool for determining the classification of each wisdom tooth.
It’s possible one patient may display one of each type or a few of the same type.
If you’re between the ages of 16-25 years, a discussion about your wisdom teeth should take place.
We use a panoramic x-ray to take a look at how your wisdom teeth are moving and their position in the jaw. From there, we can classify the position of the wisdom teeth and give a solution to any issues that have the potential to arise.